Thursday, May 10, 2007

Garden Art

At the end of April, needing to keep
my lovely, but very lively Nephew occupied, with my Daughter Clare`s help, we spent a very warm spring day making some garden art that will go to "live" at the allotment

We have a pile of unwanted concete garden slabs at the bottom of our garden, which came from a patio that was removed some years ago. I also have a load of small glass mosaics that I was going to make into a table top years ago, that I never got round to actually doing.

So we drew our designs,

transferred them to the slabs and got to work. My nephew had very messy fun with the tile adhesive and made his sky and tree with a great deal of concentration.

"God looked at everything He had made,
and it was very good."
Genesis 1: 31

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

to the new Mr & Mrs Chittenden, after many years of heartache you have made it and I know that with Gods help, you will both have years of happiness together.

Life on this earth can be dark and painful at times, but God has promised that his light will always be before us and He has promised that He will be our help, our strength, our everlasting peace. No matter what happens in our lives, we can believe fully in His promise and be at peace with God.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you,

I do not give to you as the world gives.

Do not let your hearts be troubled

and do not be afraid."

John 14:27

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Amazing Journey

This has been an amazing week, a very good friend who works on the Allotment, has just announced that he is getting Married in march and has asked me to be a witness. I feel so happy & privileged to have been asked. It feels like a great honour to be a part of such a special day. I know they will be very happy together, this is a marriage blessed by God and they will work together though God any hurdles that come their way. I feel very honoured to be here with them at the start of this wonderful journey.
The weather has been too bad here to do much in the Allotment over the last few months, except for some miner repairs to the plastic on the polytunnel and trying to save the scarecrow from falling over after the very strong winds we have had.
We hope for better weather soon so that we can sow the seeds for a new season in the gerden, its good that the weather never stops us from sowing seeds of love & faith for God in the people around us.
Thats it for now, I hope to speak again soon. God Bless xx